Minggu, 01 Mei 2011

The Hard Confession

Hi ! just for tonight i'll just say hi to every people who's still single.. while walking in this life.. because you all is same with me..

yah, i'm a single girl, for 4 years.. hmmm. i think i enjoyed it but, this boring time is come to me right now.

padahal ini waktunya gue untuk belajar UTS filsafat besok!

again and again and again and again ! there's no mood for studying . sigh sigh sigh.. sebenernya dari tadi saya sedang ber-bbm ria sama beberapa teman saya, ada pula yang sms-an juga, tapi signal kartu yg gua pake lemotnya ampun dah ! ga sabar gua pengen ganti.. so sambil nunggu signal lancar lagi, mari bergalau ria guys ! 
do you know why i have some plan to write this topic ? ups, the real topic is "kebosanan menjomblo" yaaa, that's why the tittle is "the hard confession" , becauz my prestige is so high to confess this.. :(
i always say, i was enjoyed this before, i feel like i'm comfort to be a single girl, and i always say i love freedom so much, is that true if i think this is the right way for the early times, but this time is has been 4 years guys.. my mommy is start to feel afraid about me, she's begin dislike if i going out from my home by my self, without anybody accompany me, she's shout me everytime to found something who called "boyfriend" for protecting me anywhere i'm go. mama, sangat susah mencari pacar yg bisa menerima saya dengan apa adanya, saya sedang bersusah payah menjaga diri saya dari pergaulan remaja yang busuk !!
but? after that, i always keep thinking and thinking, i began to realize that i need that "prince" disgusting huh?  i also need somebody to pick me up from my school, i need somebody to make some sweetie memory with me for another great and any celebrate couple day like valentine day , white day,  and even birthday! seumur hidup saya ga pernah tuh ber ulang tahun dengan di hiasi cinta dan kasih dari seorang pria.. and the fucking thing that i need is, boyfriend who will protect me well, and make my self to gaining more better properties than before, and make me more smarter ! yah, this is truly the right facts ! henny is need boyfriend right now! 

yah, just do your best, keep protecting your self until you meet your prince then. all people , friends, and your family is still exist rite? so, don't be afraid.. they all care about you, and you felt it. :) 
take care your self, like you cheering you self right now !


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